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L'empire contre-attaque (1980) Télécharger Le Film

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Vous pouvez voir maintenant total description de L'empire contre-attaque ci-dessous:
  • Titre original : The Empire Strikes Back
  • Titre du film : L'empire contre-attaque
  • Ann�e de film : 1980
  • Genres de film : Aventure, Action, Science-Fiction,
  • Statut de film : Released
  • Date de sortie du film : 1980-05-17
  • Les entreprises de film : Lucasfilm, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation,
  • Pays de film : United States of America,
  • Langue de film : English,
  • Dur�e du film : 124 Min
  • Moyenne vote de film : 8.2
  • Youtube ID de film : vU6L3jXt2r8
  • Fonte de film :Other Rebel Officer), Mark Jones (Commander Nemet, Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Stuart Fell (Snowtrooper (uncredited)), Marjorie Eaton (Emperor), Jim Dowdall (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), an Imperial Officer), Des Webb (Snow Creature), Kathryn Mullen (Yoda (uncredited)), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Christopher Malcolm (Rebel pilot Zev Senesca (Rogue 2)), Mark Capri (Officer M'kae (Captain Needa's Communications Officer) (uncredited)), Peter Diamond (Snowtrooper Gunner (uncredited)), Alec Guinness (Ben 'Obi-wan' Kenobi), Wendy Froud (), Frank Oz (Yoda (Voice)), John Cannon (Holographic Imperial Officer (uncredited)), a Rebel Force), uncredited)), Temuera Morrison (Boba Fett (voice)), Bruce Boa (General Carlist Rieekan, Clive Revill (Emperor (voice)), John Morton (Dak Ralter, a Other Rebel Officer), Norwich Duff (Jeroen Webb, Ray Hassett (Tigran Jamiro, Ralph Morse (Stormtrooper / Imperial Comms Officer / Rebel Soldier (uncredited)), Christopher Bunn (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Quentin Pierre (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Imperial Officer), Bob Anderson (Imperial Officer (uncredited)), Morris Bush (Dengar), an Imperial Officer), Tiffany L. Kurtz (Extra (uncredited)), Shaun Curry (Hoth Rebel Commander (uncredited)), Ian Durrant (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), an Rebel Force), Ian Liston (Wes Janson, Lightning Bear (Stormtrooper (uncredited)), Brigitte Kahn (Toryn Farr, an Imperial Officer), Terry Richards (Wampa (uncredited)), Ian McDiarmid (Emperor), Robin Scobey (Lieutenant Venka, Other Rebel Officer), a Rebel Force (Wedge's Gunner)), Richard Oldfield (Derek Klivian, Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), John Dicks (Captain Lennox, David Prowse (Darth Vader), Treat Williams (Echo Base Trooper (uncredited)), an Imperial officer), Kenneth Colley (Imperial Force Admiral Piett), James Earl Jones (Darth Vader (Voice)), Norman Chancer (Tamizander Rey, Other Rebel Officer), Tony Smart (Snowtrooper (uncredited)), Milton Johns (Bewil, Michael Santiago ((voice, Doug Robinson (Snowtrooper (uncredited)), Alan Flyng (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Richard Bonehill (Stormtrooper / Snowtrooper / Rebel Soldier / ... (uncredited)), Jack McKenzie (Cal Alder, Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel), Trevor Butterfield (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Alan Austen (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Oliver Maguire (Cabbel, John Hollis (Lando's aide), Chris Parsons (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Denis Lawson (Rebel Force Wedge (Rogue 3)), Jerry Harte (Rebel Force Head Controller), a Rebel Force Deck Lieutenant), John Ratzenberger (Rebel Force Major Derlin), Ralph McQuarrie (General McQuarrie (uncredited)), Michael Culver (Captain Needa), a Other Rebel Officer), Jack Purvis (Chief Ugnaught), Keith Swaden (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), Julian Glover (Imperial Force General Veers), a Rebel Force Hobbie (Rogue 4)), Burnell Tucker (Wyron Serper, Alan Harris (Bossk / Bespin Security Guard (uncredited)), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Howie Weed (Wampa), Tom Egeland (Stormtrooper/Snowtrooper), Martin Dew (Cloud City Guard (uncredited)), Jason Wingreen (Boba Fett (voice) (uncredited)), Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian), Mac McDonald (Rebel Pilot (uncredited))
La Guerre des Étoiles continue...


L'empire contre-attaque méthode pour rester film produit par Lucasfilm, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, avec un description du film est "Malgré la destruction de l’Étoile Noire, l'Empire maintient son emprise sur la galaxie, et poursuit sans relâche sa lutte contre l'Alliance rebelle. Basés sur la planète glacée de Hoth, les rebelles essuient un assaut des troupes impériales. Parvenus à s'échapper, la princesse Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca et C-3P0 se dirigent vers Bespin, la cité des nuages gouvernée par Lando Calrissian, ancien compagnon de Han. Suivant les instructions d'Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker se rend quant à lui vers le système de Dagobah, planète marécageuse où il doit recevoir l'enseignement du dernier maître Jedi, Yoda. Apprenant l'arrestation de ses compagnons par les stormtroopers de Dark Vador après la trahison de Lando, Luke décide d'interrompre son entraînement pour porter secours à ses amis et affronter le sombre seigneur Sith...". Le film a �t� produit avec une excellente qualit� graphique, meilleur oreille busting qualité sonore et le meilleur meilleurs acteurs.

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... Streaming intégral L'empire contre-attaque de la vidéo HD 1080p ....

Stunts : Stuart Fell, Stunt Coordinator : Peter Diamond, Stand In : Alan Harris, Visual Effects : Ralph McQuarrie, Assistant Director : Gary Kurtz, Casting : Terry Liebling, Original Music Composer : John Williams, Story : George Lucas, Editor : George Lucas, Makeup Artist : Nick Maley, Set Decoration : Michael Ford, Stunts : Bob Anderson, Special Effects : Brian Johnson, Sound Editor : Bonnie Koehler, Visual Effects : Richard Edlund, Special Effects : David H. Watkins, Editor : Paul Hirsch, Costume Supervisor : Tiny Nicholls, Production Supervisor : Bruce Sharman, Executive Producer : George Lucas, Assistant Director : David Tomblin, Art Direction : Leslie Dilley, Orchestrator : Herbert W. Spencer, Stunts : Doug Robinson, Director : Irvin Kershner, Associate Producer : Jim Bloom, Stunts : Terry Richards, Producer : Howard G. Kazanjian, Screenplay : Leigh Brackett, Screenplay : Lawrence Kasdan, Stunts : Lightning Bear, Production Design : Norman Reynolds, Casting : Irene Lamb, Wardrobe Supervisor : Eileen Sullivan, Production Manager : Patricia Carr, Assistant Director : Steve Lanning, Producer : Gary Kurtz, Animation : Phil Tippett, Associate Producer : Robert Watts, Editor : Marcia Lucas, Art Direction : Alan Tomkins, Camera Operator : Paul Huston, Driver : Terry Pritchard, Director of Photography : Peter Suschitzky, Stunts : Tony Smart, Casting : Bob Edmiston, Costume Design : John Mollo, Makeup Effects : Phil Tippett, Art Direction : Harry Lange, Gaffer : Laurie Shane
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